Don’t play politics with me! This is such a downgraded politics! These are certain sentences wrapped in negativity that we often come across. So does that mean playing politics is one awful thing to do? Though term politics; in whatever form as described by Great philosopher Pluto, meant to take decisions in exercising good governance with changing scenario of Industrial and economic development, Politics lost its sheen and became a mere tool for  being in Power.
This famously conceived notion that Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely, seems apt for our Great Indian Politics. What, once started with a series of Revolts and dissent against Colonial powers in order to regain democracy, diverted into a tussle for power for attaining personal benefits.
When we talk of fair politics in Indian politics system it is related to the term democracy. So if we are a democracy; we are having a fair political system. Many would argue the above point as correct but what I feel is; there are many loop holes in our politics. Only being the world’s biggest democracy is not enough.  What recently happened in Gorakhpur’s government hospital, where thirty kids lost their lives due to lack of oxygen supply, is a mockery of fair politics.  Everybody knew the nitty-gritty of the situation but no action was taken to tackle the issue and later on when the unfortunate causalities occurred, everybody started the political blame game. The high level of political drama can be quoted from recent Rajyasabha elections where congress MLA’s where locked inside a Bengaluru farm house just to avoid appeasement from other party. Thoughtful part is that if there really exists something like fair politics, there would have been no need of playing this side and seek drama.  If one is fearful of losing supporting MLA’s, where exists the party ideology? If the party Ideology is strong enough then how come leaders hop from one party to other just for political benefits. The simple answer lies in the quest for being in Power, political banner is immaterial.
Politics and democracy goes hand in hand in our country. Democracy can achieve a superlative narrative only when politics will retract itself from the path of power and follow the path leading to the service of people.  It is all about self-realization coming from deep inside.

“You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”
-          Swami Vivekananda
